Division of Theoretical Physics
NRC «Kurchatov institute» - IHEP by A.A. Logunov

- Head: Petrov Vladimir Alexeevich
Honoured Scientist of Russian Federation, professor, doctor of phys. and math. sciences
Phone: +7(496)7713847
e-mail: Vladimir.Petrov@ihep.ru - Deputy Head: Ryutin Roman Anatolievich
leading research scientist, doctor of phys. and math. sciences
Phone: +7(496)7713534
e-mail: Roman.Ryutin@ihep.ru - Secretary: Nevezhina Elena Anatolievna
engineer of II category
Phone: +7(496)7713575
e-mail: Elena.Nevezhina@ihep.ru - Reception desk:
Phone: +7(496)7713395 - Org. e-mail: otf_ihep@ihep.ru
- Web-site:
http://th1.ihep.su/ - Post address:
142280, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino,
Pl. Nauki, 1, NRC "Kurchatov institute" - IHEP, Theoretical Division - Protvino map
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