Division of Theoretical Physics
NRC «Kurchatov institute» - IHEP by A.A. Logunov

Aeterna memoria

9.12.1935 - 22.04.2008
On April 22 the news of the sudden death of Oleg Antonovich Khrustalev came. It responded painfully to the hearts of those who knew and loved him.
The years of study of Oleg Antoninovich fell on the 40-50s of the 20th century - the time when physics - especially atomic and nuclear - was fanned by a romantic halo of the triumph of human genius, a breakthrough into new worlds, mastering the most powerful forces of nature.
The country's youth enthusiastically sought to master physics and mathematics, despite rather not very comfortable and poor student life. In 1953 one of these young people, Oleg Khrustalev, came after graduating with honors from a secondary school from Ulyanovsk to the capital of the USSR and entered the faculty of physics of the Moscow State University named by M.V. Lomonosov.
Quantum mechanics, statistical physics, rapidly developing quantum field theory - he eagerly absorbed everything that was available for his young and irresistible curiosity. By the end of the training, in 1959, the level of knowledge of the student Khrustalev was already so high that N.N. Bogolyubov (one of the fathers of modern physics and mathematics) himself invited him to graduate school in the famous "Steklovka". The interaction with "N.N." left an indelible imprint on the entire subsequent creative path of Oleg Antoninovich - who rightfully belonged to the Bogoliubov's school - and at the same time helped to fully discover and realize his own ideas, to develop his own vivid style.
After graduation from the postgraduate studies, Oleg Antoninovich was recruited to the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of JINR, where he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis (1963).
By this time, a decision was made to create in the Protvino the Institute for High Energy Physics under the leadership of A.A. Logunov, who invited a talented theorist O.A. Khrustalev together with a group of other young scientists to form the Sector (later - Department) of Theoretical Physics, IHEP. From 1964 to 1983 O.A. Khrustalev worked at IHEP (in 1970 he defended his doctoral dissertation), after which he became the staff member of the High Energy Physics and Field Theory Department of Physics Faculty of Moscow State University, where he worked as a professor and deputy head. Since 1991, he was the permanent director of the Institute for Theoretical Problems of Physics of the Microworld named by N.N. Bogolyubov at the Moscow State University.
The range of scientific interests of Oleg Antoninovich was extremely wide. The colossal erudition allowed him to successfully deal with the problems of the most diverse plan. Those problems include the axiomatic quantum field theory, obtaining the observed effects from it in the form of various asymptotic relations at high energies, the development of the theory of quasipotential, the development of new methods for quantizing fields in the neighborhood of classical solutions with interesting applications to the quantization of gravity.
In recent years, Oleg Antoninovich enthusiastically engaged in the fundamental issues of quantum mechanics and quantum computers. This was partly reflected in the monograph "Quantum teleportation - an ordinary miracle" published by him in 2000, which had already become a bibliographic rarity.
Regardless of the subject of the research, the work of Oleg Antoninovich bears an indelible imprint of the personality of their author, the commonness and depth of problem formulation inherent in him, wit in the methods of solving them, brilliant literary style, and sometimes, peculiar, incomparable and ultimately subtle humor.
Oleg Antoninovich was generous in all the different senses of the word. Pupils, students drew from him both inspiration and strength, found help and support in solving their not only scientific, but also the most prosaic, everyday problems. He has educated more than 20 candidates of science, 6 of which have already become doctors and who are now themselves - notable figures in the scientific horizon.
And now there is no him with us, our Oleg Antoninovich ...
Eternal memory and gratitude for his kind soul and great works!

30.12.1926 - 1.03.2015
Information from Wikipedia
Basic research scientist and founder of the Theoretical Division
Graduated from the Moscow State University (1951)
Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1972)
Professor (1961)
Doctor in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1959)
Full member of the International Academy of Sciences, editor-in-chief of the journal «Theoretical and Mathematical Physics».
International prizes: N.N. Bogolyubov (1996)

Position: basic research scientist
Degree: Doctor in Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Status: Professor

17.04.1939 - 13.03.1998
On March 13, 1998, at the age of 59, Georgy Levanovich Rcheulishvili suddenly died. He was Senior Research Scientist of the Department of Theoretical Physics, IHEP, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Georgiy Levanovich was born on April 17, 1939 in the city of Tbilisi in an intelligent Georgian family. After graduation, he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Tbilisi State University, then he entered the Physics Department of TSU and graduated in 1964.
Further, Georgy Levanovich worked in TSU, studied in the graduate school there, then passed an internship at JINR (Dubna), and since 1969 he worked at IHEP.
In 1972, Georgiy Levanovich was recruited to the Department of Theoretical Physics, IHEP, as a junior research scientist.
In 1976 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, since 1984 he worked in the position of senior research scientist of the Theoretical Division.
In 1991 he was awarded the academic title of senior researcher. In 1997, the topic of his doctoral dissertation was approved at the IHEP Scientific and Technical Council.
Scientific works G.L. Rcheulishvili were devoted to the study of scattering processes at high energies, to the study of the analytic properties of amplitudes and cross sections, to the structure and properties of gauge theories, and to exactly solvable models. He also dealt with the problem of states in two-dimensional QCD. Limits on the ground level of the N-quark state were obtained, and certain properties of the meson mass spectrum (bound states of two scalar quarks) were investigated. For the latter, the discrete nature of the spectrum was proved.
Recent works by G.L. Rcheulishvili were devoted to the study of the symmetry properties of some manifolds. Systems of nonlinear differential equations associated with Grassmann manifolds were studied. In papers, a five-dimensional space with a spherically symmetric time-independent metric was studied.
His scientific creativity was characterized by the highest professional culture, logical harmony and mathematical validity of all results.

17.10.1945 - 20.09.1998

14.01.1934 - 6.07.2003
After graduating from a seven-year school in the village of Lipitsy, he entered the physics faculty of Moscow State University. In 1956 he graduated with honors from the Physics Department of Moscow State University and entered the graduate school of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Since 1960, at the invitation of his teacher, academician N.N. Bogolyubov, he joined the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna. There he continued his scientific work in the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (BLTP).
After the creation in 1963 of the Institute for High Energy Physics in Protvino (now IHEP) he went there in 1964.
In 1974-1993 - Director of the Institute for High Energy Physics.
Since 1993 - chief research scientist of the theoretical division of IHEP. According to colleagues, leaving the director's post beneficially affected Lev Dmitrievich's health and promoted the resumption of active scientific work in the field of high-energy physics.
Parallel to the main work at IHEP, he taught at the Moscow State University, lectured "Introduction to the theory of gauge fields".
Despite the progressive disease, Lev Dmitrievich continued his scientific work and research in various fields of quantum physics until the last days of his life.
Scientific interests in the initial period concerned the study of the analytic properties of the amplitudes of hadronic processes, as well as photo-production of mesons on nucleons and the proof of the corresponding dispersion relations. The most important result in this direction is the establishment of the so-called sum rules at finite energies that related the parameters of the resonances of the direct channel to the Regge trajectories in the cross channel. On this basis, subsequently, the concept of duality was developed with subsequent culmination in the form of super string theory.
We should note the development of a regular method based on the axiomatic approach for the calculation of electromagnetic infrared effects in processes involving charged hadrons.
A new approach to quantum string theory was also developed, in which it was possible to avoid introducing additional dimensions of space-time. On this basis, several models describing physical mesons as open strings, and glueballs as closed strings, and the spectrum of their excitations was approximately described.
Theme of the Ph.D. thesis (1960): "The study of the processes of electro- and photo-production with the help of dispersion relations."
The topic of the doctoral thesis (1966): "Electromagnetic interaction and dispersion relations."
L.D. Soloviev educated 3 doctors and 5 candidates of science, he is Honored Scientist of Russia.
Number of published works is more than 170.
© Last updated on 4.04.2023. Send your comments and suggestions on this page to Roman Ryutin
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